
Showing posts from September, 2007


没什么好说的, 搞这家伙都已经伤神了.... 不想再看类似的无聊发表, 就等待下次的到来吧... 现在只想说.... BB家族.... 希望一切能一直维持下去.... Advanced Rhythm .... 不要继续软弱下去了.... c'mon, we are bboy, don't dance cause you wanna look cool or what. Dance because we are bboy ! Real Bboy don't dance with their body, they dance with their soul !! And where's your soul ? All i can see is that most of you are having a fading soul .... heck ! We don't improve in days, weeks or month. Improvement in bboying attain through years and years of training ! Where's your dedication ? Stop asking me " Why can't i mill ? Why can't i airchair ? Why can't i flare ? " But instead start asking yourself " how much effort i give for this move ? " It is always awesome to look at those korean bboy. But what they are doing now, is what they gain through sweat, blood, pain and time. They practise 5 days a week, 7 hours per day. So stop comparing self with them. Just do what you can do, and that is keep doing it ! We ...