
Showing posts from September, 2011

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我有出去走, 去逛街, 甚至花钱. 但是我还是很空虚. ***

Wish me a safe trip.

Going back to kuantan tomorrow. hhmmm.... I always get somehow down when comes to this. Well, i love my family, my home is 10 times better than d12a too. But seriously.... Kuantan only makes me to feel more empty all the time..... basically 0 friends back there.... doesn't even know my neighbours... Since I am driving back this time. Hope I can find sometime and goes down to KT for a few days ? Well, just looking back at the place where i grew up. Hopefully with someone's accompany as a plus. There are some feelings in here.... but nope, not gonna write these this time. Just not yet. Wish me a safe trip. ***


在 intern 期间, 公司给我印了叠名片. 没给过什么人, 给的都是些亲戚朋友的. 今天, 我派出了我第一张名片. 给了个 60 出头的 aunty 婆婆. 当然重点不是在于这名片, 重点是在于因为这婆婆, 我有了什么样的想法和感想. 事情发生在蒲种的一间饭店里 - 点了碟鸡饭, 吃着吃着.... 婆婆 : "年轻人, 能给我个半分钟听听我说些事情吗 ?" 念在我也没什么赶时间, 我也没必要那么快就决定把她驱走. ( 第一印象当然就是一些混账又要来推销博同情了.) 她也开始了她的故事, 给我看了些名片, mykad 等等的. 大概来说, 她说她是在帮位 20 出头的年轻人筹款. 这年轻人丧失了行走的本事.... 不用我细说, 我想很多人都知道这情况是怎么个样子了. 故事说完后, 她要我替她买下一包价值 rm10 的原子笔. 我也买下了, 出于大半的自愿, 小半的打发. 怎么会有大半小半呢 ? 就先说说小半吧. 小半是在于他说的故事, 有些小破绽. 比如说, 身为院长女儿的她为什么对医药那么陌生等等. 大半的愿意又怎么说呢 ? 这婆婆, 自称 65 岁, 在我眼里看来也至少 50. 一个婆婆这把年纪, 背着一大包沉重的原子笔, 站在那和我所了至少五分钟, 说的时候也带有少少激情. 我能不动容吗 ? 当然我不否认说这可以是她对这的拿捏已经非常好, 出来推销自然这方面不会差. 但是我再想起了多少的原因, 我都自己一一推反了. 60 几岁了.... 我妈也快 60 了... 如果换做是我妈, 这样在街上四处推销原子笔什么的, 我又什么滋味呢 ? 而如果其实她说的都是实话, 难道就 rm10 也会要我命吗 ? 加上六枝原子笔 rm10 也不过分. 而婆婆在...

Wish List !

Hmmm.... new interface for blogger, much cleaner, good. But image managing in a post still sucks big time. Ok, since it is September now and October is coming real soon.... So yeap, i think writing this kinda make sense. Hahahaha ! My wishlist for my upcoming birthday ! Is actually my first time writing such kind of post, and i know it sounds so SYOK SENDIRI. Anyway, im not expecting any of the items or stuff i gonna write below. Just take it as a random post. THE SERIOUSLY IMPOSSIBLE : Lexus is250, bmw 3 series.... etc. LOL ! A more practical one would be this though, Kia Forte with Body kit, I still think it is a good bang for its value for cars under RM100K. THE STILL NOT POSSIBLE : A decent keyboard ( instrument ), well I can't really play it, but I wanna learn it. Samsung Galaxy S2, the android beast ! ( Seriously, if u ask me why not iphone5 or 4.... I can just say i'm not into I-thingy. ) Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 ( Same here, I still prefer and...