
Showing posts from August, 2010

Just to kacao the spider web.

Ermm.... gonna stay offline for few weeks. Connection is down .... too bad ... At my friend's place right now, perhaps i should be writing something.... Errmmm..... Yeap, i am going to have my second son soon, a new PC. I thought i would be very excited over it.... but it doesn't seems to be... But ... i know myself... material is never enough to satisfy me, not me being greedy, but rather i am just not that into it. I prefer satisfaction in term of my soul rather than material. And perhaps for now, nothing much can really cheer me up to my highest peak. Since not even 1 of long dreamt '2nd son' could make it. I know what it takes to really enlighten me, but ... there are reason why dream are called a dream. I should always remind myself about that, maybe slapping myself once in a while as well. Ok, next. Assignmentsssssss ... well, this 1 is sure a tough 1. I guess the toughest period i ever experience thus far. Yea yea, another reason to make me goes *...

Suggestion needed.

Advice and suggestion needed for those with multiple choices. Please do suggest or recommend =) 1st confirmed part : Intel I5 760 , currently the most budget-friendly I5 quad core choice/ 2nd consider confirmed part : ASUS P7P55D-E . Comes with USB 3.0, SATA 6. With other pretty interesting features. RAM , Kingston HyperX 1600mhz 4GB DDR3 dual channel kit . PSU , Cooler Master GX series 550w . Not going for silverstone or higher range due to budget... GPU :  ATI RADEON HD5770 . I am actually considering all of the manufacturer's card, from ASUS to even Sapphire. Design matters when comes to this, because actually they all perform quite the same. But XFX is definitely my 1st choice. Casing : Cooler Master USP 100. But black or red ? Actually i like it black, but all my friends said ' red ownz ! '. Another thing is i want it to be with side window, which is harder to get. ...

第二胎儿子 ?

我都好久没写些什么了. 不知道.... 或许是因为说过不再透露什么吧. 近几天好累... 刚交了一样功课, 然后就 CyberP 吧, 精神没什么特别好. 去跆拳道, 自己好玩也稍微弄伤了脚. 不过没什么特别严重. 这些琐碎的事情, 我看也没什么看头.... 但是我就只有这些琐碎的东西写.... 哈哈... 对了, 今天是文晟大佬的生日. 生日快乐 ! 等下就下去帮他庆祝了, 哈哈. 最近除了一些 "密封" 的困惑之外, 还有一个事情需要想想. 新的 '儿子' ... 应该吗? 就是说电脑. 如果说要换... 我想全换, 银幕也换. 因为觉得 23.6 寸比较方便. 看朋友的23.6寸, 做  flash, AE 等等, layer bar scroll 都不用 scroll... 自己则 scroll 到乱. 但是.... i5 core, performance ram, 好点的 psu, graphic card.... 这些等等.... 都不便宜... 不过也都是我一向来想要的.... 其实钱倒不是什么大问题... 老爸老早就说了没问题, 再加上自己有点储蓄.... 绝对应付得来... 只是在想... 我不想加重老爸的负担.... 说是说没问题啦... 但毕竟不是小数目... 还有就是在想, 电脑是我该投资的吗 ? 但其实是需要.... 毕竟对我这种 last minute work student 来说, 快点, 安全点 ! 哈哈.... @@ 给点意见吧. *** 当一个人有了牵有了挂, 会发现有些感受是会呼吸的, 想停也停不了. 而其中的滋味, 也只有自己最明了. 你们觉得呢 ? ***

8 月 1 号

今天是 8 月 1 号. 没什么... 就 8 月 1 号.... *** 看不透我的想法 就抓一抓头发 你喜欢用装傻 停止我脑袋复杂 你要我乖乖待在家 剪掉无谓分叉 就顺著你步伐 让爱情都简单化 我其实不爱吵架 只是想你多了解一下 我想我是个傻瓜 就是爱你 我不能自拔 我们都需要爱 但是面对爱我们像小孩 谁能承认自己厉害 还不是一样换来伤害 我们都需要爱 有时太寂寞对身体有害 所以背负感情的债 再独自品尝个中的精彩与无奈 ***