
Showing posts from October, 2010


A post will be coming up real soon =) Ok, maybe not real soon.... Lose that kind of mood... *** Going back to Cyberjaya real soon too. Gonna 'puff' from  internet world for sometimes... curse that TM .... zzzzz I will miss msn, fb, blogspot, twitter, plurk, youtube... etc etc... banyak also. But i will miss my home more.... =| ***

Hate it or love it.

Is over...  i mean my birthday. Yea... just like how i expect it to be. But never reaching what i hope to be.... kinda stabs.. However it is ok, since i expected this. 1st of all, thanks for all the wishes ! Hundreds of them, and i really appreciate those who really meant what they said. Knowing most of them are actually just random 'Hey, maybe i should wish him since it is his bday, and fb said it !' For those who contact me through phone, i appreciate them even more. This prove u really remember. It is really not much of them, but thanks ! I favor hearts more than quantity. For 1 day, i tell myself i must smile. I did my best, and really thanks to my ChunJun sis , for coming back to Kuantan just for this particular day. With loves, thanks ! For whole of my life, there aren't much birthday that i really enjoy with. Perhaps, there are 1, thanks for someone who made it possible back then. I am not being extreme, just that it is truth. My family just wont thr...


For myself. ***

Eh eh eh eh eh ~

T.T sudah .... ----------------------- This is not something new. 'I don't care' from 2NE1. I like the song itself.... or maybe i should say i like the 'eh eh eh eh eh ~' Hahaha, that is 1 of the reason. But i wonder if they could make a version of just switching the girl to boy, and the boy to girl, hahaha. Don't really recognize them, but after some research. Found out the short hair girl is Kone Minji.... she seriously have some weird appearance in this video..... Don't favor it >< But Park bom and Sandara Park is ok, hahaha ~ ( talking about my cup of tea ) After singing a few times of 'I don't care, eh eh eh eh eh ~'.... i found that.... 'i still care, eh eh eh eh eh ~ i still care, eh eh eh eh eh ~' ! LOL ! Eh eh eh eh eh ~ well... remember that it used to mean something as well... i wish it could remain ... but i just can't control it... So just let me 'eh eh eh eh eh' for another few more ti...

How's Malaysian's bboy scene ?

A showcase by Famous Crew in the recent event, Battle of the year 2010 Malaysia. This was the best showcase of the event. Just posting up to show hows Malaysian bboy scene is going on. I wouldn't say they are real good, since most of their move are not clean. However, i do give them a thumbs up for the routines and nicely composed tracks. I personally think that is the reason they won the best showcase title. The hype never really goes down, and it build up pretty good as well. And this is very important for a bboy showcase, you don't make the audiences feel dull. If they are able to perform the routine cleaner, that would be a lot better. My favorite part would be the 'shots' part,  'shots shots shots shots shots! ' plus babymill ? Just nice. But they should have make it longer, like maybe 1st set is babymill , 2nd set is elbow track or something. 1 set of babymill is kinda DUH for me... perhaps the bboy himself is not up to that... Since i kn...


Went back to KT ( Kuala Terengganu, not Kota Tinggi. ) 2 days ago. Couldn't get to meet those who i want to meet, after all i am just following my dad. Changes here and there like usual. Building all sort of unnecessary facilities like usual. Like this 1 : Is an electronic parking .... I don't know the term exactly. But i know is a system which you park in your car, it elevate your car up. Basically saving spaces. Sure it does have advantages, but the thing is.... K.T is not that developed like major cities of Malaysia. Is this even necessary ? I bet it sure costs a lot, worth the money ? Well, maybe this is something that they think a 'bandar raya' should have ? FYI : Majlis Perbandaran:   Having more than 100,000 residents, annual income of RM5 million to RM20 million. Majlis Bandaraya: Having more than 100,000 residents, annual income of more than RM20 million. And not every single city in Malaysia is bandar raya. Despite the worthiness...


Hahaha, yeap~ pretty random. A Naruto Music Video. I am 20 years old, and nothing gonna stop me from finishing these few series that i really like. Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and Fairytail. This 1 was made 2004. Well, actually i am not featuring Naruto itself. But rather the song.... Well, i like the lyric so much. I remember i used to sing this out loud with some of my secondary schoolmates. Where ? Top of a hill, hahaha ! Is amazing, trust me. About the video itself, for those who don't know, it seems easy but actually not. Is not easy to compile so many raw footage and compose them this way. An average after effect user will even find this to be hard..... at least to be time-consuming. Listen to the lyric and match them with the video. They actually match pretty good. And that's what i like about this. And yea, the lyric basically stab through me as well.... =( The fastest man in the world, fast asleep at the wheel Nobody wants to be alone, so how did I get...

哦.... 回家了....

回到家了, 能够上网了. 这段日子里, 有过许许多多的内容想要写出来. 可是此时此刻... 却不懂得要如何开始. 或许不该在这里写吧. 只能说... 对空洞的体会又升华了吧.... 但又有谁要把我住进他/她心里的防空洞 ? 有些事情, 不到一种体会是绝对看不透的... 比如说, 麻痹自己... 抽空自己... 我从来就不曾想过能刻意办得到.... 但是看来我错了. 而其中换来的挣扎也难以形容... 我把这一切归类为, 一种体会. 也不多写了. 老爸突然间在房间里装了新冷气.... 却忘了我鼻子敏感.... 但没关系, 确实凉快了许多. 只是这真的对我来说是多余.... 鼻子敏感, 又怕冷.... 冷气好像不怎么适合我. 还记得上个星期病得七彩.... 简直要了我的命.... 发冷, 发烧, 喉痛, 咳嗽, 伤风, 发抖, 头痛..... 不是开玩笑那种. 哀啊.... 有苦自己懂. 想家又没用.....  乱想则更悲.... 不过很庆幸有一些朋友在 twitter 看到我说病了, 都有通过电话关心关心. 老实说... 我真的有感动啦.... 谢谢 ! ( 你们自己会知道我在说你们. ) 我也好不习惯写部落格了.... 毕竟习惯了过 'caveman' 的生活.... 或许下次再写多点吧. ***