
Hahaha, yeap~ pretty random.
A Naruto Music Video.
I am 20 years old, and nothing gonna stop me from finishing these few series that i really like.
Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and Fairytail.

This 1 was made 2004.
Well, actually i am not featuring Naruto itself. But rather the song.... Well, i like the lyric so much.
I remember i used to sing this out loud with some of my secondary schoolmates. Where ? Top of a hill, hahaha ! Is amazing, trust me.
About the video itself, for those who don't know, it seems easy but actually not.
Is not easy to compile so many raw footage and compose them this way.
An average after effect user will even find this to be hard..... at least to be time-consuming.

Listen to the lyric and match them with the video.
They actually match pretty good. And that's what i like about this.
And yea, the lyric basically stab through me as well.... =(

The fastest man in the world, fast asleep at the wheel
Nobody wants to be alone, so how did I get, here
When I look at you, I see him staring through
Awake and a smile, cuz he's been inside of you
Is he all the things you, tried to change me into?
Is he everything to you?

Does he make you high, make you real?
Does he make you cry? Does he know the way you feel?
Love is all around you, your universe is full
But in my world, there is only you

I can still find the smell
On my clothes and skin
I can still see your face, when youre sleeping next to him
Is he all the things you, tried to change me into?
Tell me does he…


I've had enough of fears, you let them out
Now I wrap myself around you
Like a blanket full of doubt
The darkness grows
The sunlight stings
He's your everything


You make me high! You make me real!
You make me cry! Now you know the way I feel
Love is all around you, your universe is full
But in my world, there is only you


Back to randomness.....

Been reading some review of some.... cars.... hahaha.
Yea, a car... something that i don't really have what it takes to own one myself.... yet !
FYI, proton is rebadging Mitsubishi's Lancer GT and going to made them Proton Waja. I would better call it Proton Waja Lancer ... or Proton WaLan !
The thing is, this new Waja would be 100% identical to Lancer GT with just a little bit of modification.
Changing the front bumper and the logo is everything you need to own a 'Mitsubishi Lancer'.
While this might be a good news for those who wanted to own a cheaper version of Mitsubishi Lancer, it hurts for those who are owning a Mitsubishi Lancer.
Imagine this, you own a Lancer, you drive one on the road. And people start claiming you to be driving a Waja and you are a wannabe for modifying your Waja to looks like a Lancer.
Oh duh.... this hurts like hell ! Since Waja and Lancer is totally 2 different things....

And in a few months time, i believe Proton WaLan can be seen almost in every cities.
From what i know, Proton WaLan gonna cost you from 75k-100k, depending on the specs itself.
For being a Proton, its kinda costy. But for being a 'Mitsubishi Lancer', it sounds so reasonable, hahaha.

From the above 2 to ....

This 2.... I believe it wouldn't cost you much...
And most people will just modify that way.
And if i own 1, the truth is ... i am one of them, haha.
In conclusion, it is really pain for those who already owned a Mitsubishi Lancer.
Ohya, the girl in the photo. Is Eva, hahaha. She is famous i would say, for being the Toshiba girl of PC fair.

PS: Proton WaLan really sounds so walan ~!
And for now, talking about the same price range, i favor this 1 more :

Kia Forte with body kits.
FYI, Kia Forte is designed by a designer who is been designing for Audi for the past.
Audi, that sounds like wow... right ? haha

For the 13th of this month, how i wish i woke up with this thing parking in my front yard. With the key beside my bed, muahaha ~!



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