
Showing posts from November, 2010

主人, 猫咪 和鱼儿.

我记得小学的周老师曾这样说过 : 一只小猫看见主人给它鱼, 它会向主人走来. 如果主人在这时候打了它一掌, 猫会逃跑. 但是如果主人再一次拿条鱼儿出来, 猫儿还是会走向前去, 似乎就忘了刚刚才中了一掌. 结果又再次受了一把掌. 当然我不记得当时老师是要说些什么. 没错的话, 老师的补习都会有段时间是用来说故事的. 应该就是那时候听到的吧. 我想当时我应该在想 "这怎么可能呢 ? 猫儿就那么傻吗 ?" 但是现在我想... 其实猫儿并没做错啊. 毕竟是它的主人啊, 况且猫儿可能就真的饿坏了啊. 你们觉得呢 ? 人活在世上, 又有多少时间是在扮演小猫咪的角色呢 ? 也有可能不是每个人能体会猫咪的感受. 我想这世上, 一些人就是猫咪, 一些人就是主人, 一些人就是鱼儿了. 明白 ? 不明白 ? 是与否也没关系. 记着有这样的一个小故事就好了. ***

淡 * 韵味

最近都很喜欢类似韵味的歌曲. 感觉有点懒懒的... 记得以前不太喜欢. 但是我想那时没感触吧... 现在觉得... 很贴心... 淡淡的感触有时候比歇斯底里来的更有意思. 这一类也不错. 同样有点懒懒的... 不过多了一份放任的感觉. 歌词也简洁有力. ***


我告诉自己要中立, 不要随意就遭影响. 要知道, 很多事情 是与否不由得我来管, 不要再钻牛角尖了. 我只希望我真的能办到. 不能让自己太低沉... 因为不是所有人都有本事把我扶起来, 扶得起的也未必就想那样做. 唯有自己先打救自己. 我现在也ok =) 保持就好. *** 还要大家一起出来玩还是运动, 也不要随意发脾气嘛. 只是一场游戏啊.... *** 天秤座真爱的门槛:魅力无边 天秤座 不会狂热地追求你,他会把你写进小说里 。他 不会恶意的挑逗你,他会说乐意为您效劳 。 他表现的不是非常的积极,除非你对他很确定 。他的爱情 稳扎稳 打,稳定平衡,是他的原则. 不是每个天秤座的男人都爱猫,不是每个天秤座的女人都热衷动漫,但是他们大多数人都有 着艺术天赋,并且 愿意无偿的对你提供帮助,只要你对他们是真诚的好。 人家说借人钱,不借道。但是他们是少数的,愿意教你很多东西,并且无论你的是恋人、情人、朋友都会对你温柔的少数人种。 他们并不是没有自己的好恶,不过贵在能忍。只是忍有限度,一旦,爆发,他们决不回头。 跟天秤座人恋爱总是徜徉在一种轻松愉快的气氛中,他不会让你觉得尴尬,他对于突发事件落落大方,在他看来,有共同的兴趣爱好比性的吸引更加重要。 跟天秤座在一起,你会发现他有很多朋友,你可以保证不吃他朋友的醋嘛? 转贴的, 你们觉得呢 ? 很准吧. 是天秤的一定明白. ***


Ok.... 够了, 真的够了. 此刻我在这里写下这两个字. 不是在告诉什么, 只是要警惕我自己. 一个人可以有资格向我要求任何事情, 有资格独霸我的所有. 甚至有资格九取一还. 却没资格只取不还 ! 也知道该怎么做. 不喜不乐, 不悲不哀. 我做回最自然的我自己. **

Crap... don't read this. If u read,dun complain =.=

1 friend told me this 1 month ago : 运,发现伱对人对事都很冷淡,我不喜欢。 How do i reply ? I laughed and say i am not. 1 month after, which is now.. I hafta say... maybe she really knows me well .... I wouldnt disagree anymore with what she said now.... I have no passion in anything and almost everything now. Dull can be use to explain what i feel almost all the time. Asking why ? Maybe i do know.... But i really don't want that to be the reason... It is not suppose to work this way .... maybe they are related in a way.... But arghhh.... wouldn't the side effect to be a lil bit too wide spread ? I mean... and i know it shouldn't influence other things... Yet... i can't deny with that feeling now.... I know i am the slacking type... but it is really more than slacking now... Is more onto mental and mindset..... DUH ! I hate this... i hate myself. I don't hate the reason, but i hate myself for being affected by it. It really remind me of the time when i was at form4....

Kelian dao ~

Pity dao, guess where am i now ? I am at campus's lab.... just to update my blog. FYI, i might end up not able to online for a long time .... Screw that TM for ' no more port for u all la... i know i know, is an address transfer so we should reserve the port... but the thing is ... there is really no port... and nothing we can do about the internet fees...' Brilliant right ? I bet they are in the hall of fame of jerk. Is the 3rd week of the new sem... so far.... dull as always. Ntg much to talk about. About myself ? I hurt my lower back so badly... that i used to lye on bed almost all the time for almost 1 week. But thanks god for i am now 80% recovered for normal life.... sports ? I guess i still need some time for it. Why ? Ok... it all starts up months ago during taekwondo, which was minor. And it worsen when i play basketball so much ... perhaps ? Thats the only possible reason i can think of for now. Even went for chinese traditional treatment for it, i guess...