
Showing posts from December, 2010


Should I get this Sidewinder X4 ? Since I am using a Sidewinder X3 mouse... this could really make up the family... xD I shall consider. Besides.... CM storm Inferno is kinda appealing to me as well. But should i really invest on another mice ? I remember myself saying : " Don't waste money." just few weeks ago >.< ***


圣诞节快乐 ! 但其实并没有很喜欢这些节日. 更是最讨厌自己的生日, 哈哈 ! 认了吧. 自以为自己可以很冷酷, 却还是在卸下来后, 选择微笑. 自以为自己可以很中立, 却还是在阵摇摆后, 左晃右摆. 可笑自己与人说 '我好多了啦 !' 虽然话是实话, 但此时此刻自己却在质疑自己... '是真的吗 ?' 我真的觉得自己办得到... 但看来我自己对自己的猜测似乎也错了. 流沙般, 我再一次捉不定自己. 流沙般, 我再一次洒下了自己. ***

xmas again ?

All i ever wanted for xmas is ... The exactly same thing i wish for all the time~ I seriously love to hug whenever I am slightly weaken... Thanks to 1 of my housemate who used to hug with me... haha. But not anymore >.< I can only hug my loupozai pillow x*a*** now.... =| Merry xmas to all of you~ To myself as well.... =| ***

也 ok

无戒心地把防卫放下.... 卸下的装甲却压伤了脚指头. 也 ok... 再拿起来就好了. 也 ok... 还是会向前走去. *** *** 有时侯... 不对, 是很多时候. 会想要有那么一个人能够明白自己, 懂得自己. 知道自己身上哪儿有久患, 什么时候会发作, 懂得问寒问暖. 知道自己不那么开心时, 什么时候会低沉, 懂得给我个小鬼脸. 知道自己有难时, 什么时候需要支持时, 懂得在自己背后撑一撑. 知道自己开心时, 什么时候会微笑, 懂得牵着小手一起分享. 一样的事情, 我办得到. 但或许我无福消受... 认了吧, 我不配. EMO吗 ? 还好, 此时此刻久患正发作, 有点感触而已. ***


Last week was my mid-term break. Spend the 1st few days at penang with some of my friends.... details ? Lazy la... Then i drive back to Kuantan... tiring me out like hell. Spent sometimes on assignment back at Kuantan ( miracle .... ), and it certainly spoilt my holiday mood. As usual, i spend time on piano everytime im back at Kuantan. This time was a lot more fun cause my sis was there to guide me =D Everyone in my family is talking about my eldest sister marriage banquet which is coming soon. Spent some time following my sis to get her 嫁妆, i would have to say ... there is a lot of knowledge behind a marriage... Lots to prepare., lots to consider. But my sis didn't find it to be that hard, she is one smart girl after all. The day just before i leave for Cyber, went to visit my BiuJie who just gave born to little baby. Little boy is so tiny and looks fragile. Well, he is just few days old and my mom said it is very normal. So, i guess i have nothing to worry about. Ano...


我妈有收集星洲日报 - 活力副刊的习惯. 和往常一样, 回到家我都会翻阅这些副刊.  因为本身觉得里头写的都会有意思, 是该知道的学问. 也多亏今天我花了时间去翻阅这些妈妈收下来的副刊, 总算我有概念自己是患上了 "腰椎间盘突出" , Intervertebral disc prolapse aka slip disc. 我不能肯定, 但应该没错了. 毕竟许多症状都有了.... 打喷涕会非常疼痛, 双脚后部会异常酸累, 身体下半部会疼痛. 基本上所有症状都有了. 我想大家都不懂我在说些什么吧. 基本上这情况是 "脊骨和神经线之间的隔绝已经消耗, 而当脊骨压在神经线后时会产生疼痛." 其实是属于年龄病, 常发生在年长的长辈们身上. 不过当然过渡操劳, 跌伤, 等等都会造成这样的情况. 若我回想, 也绝对合理... 毕竟在参加 跆拳道的那段期间... 确实经常摔倒什么的. 如果想根治这情况, 打针和手术是最彻底的方法. 不过这是在很严重的情况之下才考虑的. 可笑的是经过资料收集... 其实我就曾经很严重过... ( 经常逃课, 坐立不行, 喷涕会痛到流泪的那段时间. ) 幸好情况并没恶化.... phew... 而情况比较良好的, 可以选择在家里自行治疗. 也就是做适当的物理治疗, 不能不运动 - 因为不运动会让肌肉僵硬 - 增加疼痛 ( 这点我就赞同. 因为有打球的日子确实没什么疼痛... 现在放假却慢慢发作了. ) 当然这也有个极限, 不是每一种运动都可以. 比如说举重, 攀山等需要许多腰部弯曲的运动就不行了. 那是物极必反了. 按摩也有帮助, 而谢绝运动则会让情况恶化. 其实很多运动的伤都是这样, 你必须小心, 但不能完全停止. 我就是个例子了, 因为之前没做到适度的运动和治疗, 大腿就积血了. 如果在读着的你有类似的问题, 记得要注意了. 运动是件很享受的事情, 但是也千万要小心...

Yossh ! Tadayima !

There are of course some funny things in this trip. But right now... i don't really have the mood for it. But it was a good trip, especially when it comes to i gained some weight ! xD Spent some .... ermm... my purse hurt... my ATM card more hurt.. But, i guess it is worthwhile =) These few days, I personally think Dailou said the best quotation during the 1st morning in the hotel: Ni dit meh lan sang wut o, gam lan tan geh ?! ( Cantonese, which mean 'what kind of *** life is this ? So *** enjoy ?! ) .... And I have to agree ... xD But I am sure they enjoy that moment more as they 'chew' some 'grass' xD A lot of interesting things happen... but I love this 1 more : Successfully made 2 wishes when it comes to 'blissful marriage' and 'health' in the temple. You might don't get it , but it is like I will have to throw some coin into a moving vases from afar to make those wishes. Health and blissful marriage... haha... might sounds lam...