3 days with family ; hands percussion

如果真是如此... 好吧... 我明白了...
就算我多不愿意... 我也知道事情不会再改变了, 对吗 ?


和家人一起度过了... 算三天吧.
把东西简略化吧.... english are definitely faster...

Friday night: Parents, both sis with their bf, bro n gf, and me gather > eat eat eat, rest rest rest

Saturday : Morning eat dimsum >  times square daddy shopping > daddy went gathering, we all went ikea with mommy > steamboat > chit chat n rest at sis house.

Sunday : Morning bak kuh teh > visit relatives at cheras > daddy mommy went back > went to KLPAC for hands percussion performance ! > eat and back to cyber.

Among all the places we ate, there are 3 places which are recommended by ChuiLing or AhXian. So i really have 口富, haha !

Let me recall if there is any interesting conversation....hmm... ok...

Ok, 1st day...

1. Dad ask me : mana lu yer gf ? sis say u wan bring come.... ( i was sobbing deep within .... )
2. Elder sis told us about how Pavillion's boss think : we live in this world , we fight. I don't regret even i got cancer ! ( ok, thats not how common people thinks... she is datin afterall... diff ...; my elder sis was her personal assistant. )

2nd day :

1. When chit-chat, sis told us hows datin life. About 30+ LV'S shoes in 1 trip to Paris. Having 2 wall size cupboard for her shoes, and it is still not enough. ( wasn't that MUCH right ? haha )
2. Dad : Yun, ur hair so long. Ur forehead all get cover, like this no 'ohm', know ? ( i can only nod head when he said that... )

3rd day :

1. My relatives tell my parents : ur son hor, dun looks like kuantan boy edy. Modern edy a. ( is that a compliment ? =.= )
2. Now is all about hands percussion, will write this in a sub-category.

KPAC - Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre.
HANDS percussion performance - Dreams in November 梦无界

Hands percussion is a renowned Malaysian Chinese percussion ensemble. All their performances are highly admired even in international level. Their performing style can be said as contemporary percussion music. But usually they are known as professional 24 season drums performer, but actually they are so much more than that.

RM58 for the ticket, for 2 hours performance. It might sounds expensive to u, but the truth is, it is worth !
Not to say the whole performance is 2 hours long, but just the last 20minutes of ending already worth it.
I couldnt deny that there are certain parts which are quite boring... since... art... u know... they move around here n there.... n it is art. Of course every move are done based on their theme, so i had no complains at all.
Plus, even the boring parts get to amazed me.... imagine spinning on the floor for 4 minutes.. stepping the same place all the time and never gets dizzy. Or faking to be a statue while changing pose now and then for 10 minutes, but all the pose are crazily hard. Those are the slightly boring parts.

Let aside the boring part, the interesting parts are awesome !
Ermmm... stuff like playing music thru hitting on glasses filled with water ( is tons of them played by 1 person )... getting ur eyes binded and solo 8 sets of instrument for 10minutes ! ( this is really hard, as u cant see where is the instrument, u can only depends on ur sense of touch and instinct. )
Beside all these, their drumming skill is perfect ! I am a 24 seasons drummer, so to have a drum routine that amaze me is not that easy. And yet their drum routine is just too astonishing for me ! Amazing is not even enough to describe it.

And as i said, the ending is epic ! Ever since i joined as a 24 season drummer years and years ago, i had never get to experiences the feeling of intense and rumbling of drum's sound. But today, i have once again feel that, the rumbling that reached my heart.
The power is extreme, the synchronity is perfect, the routine is perfect, the moves are crazy, the music is rumbling.... with all these add up, just the ending worth the RM58 ! The comments from my 2nd sis and me are , we couldnt even learn those in 5 years... even when we does, the feeling will not be there....
They surely deserve to be called as the top in Malaysia !

And after the performance, we get to met-up with Abraham. He is both me and my sis's senior, he is now in 2nd team of hands percussion. He spent 3 years with hands and only get to perform this year, and he is the top guy back in secondary.... imagine how hands percussion works now....
And he 4got about me, claiming i am my 2nd sis bf...

As conclusion, hands percussion rox !




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