
Showing posts from December, 2009

Who are u ?

很累.... *** I just wanna ask, who are you ? The 1 who always visit my blog through this URL : The 1 using Windows XP and Google Chrome. I believe you are the same person from before till now. Why that link, but not ? And it doesn't seems like you are linking from another source, since it all arrived directly. Just kinda curious, why that post ? Of course, you can choose to ignore this, since it is a public blog =) I am just curious. *** Off to KL to meet my 未来姐夫's family. Happy New Year every1, is 2010 .... 20 years old jor. To make it sounds nice, grown up.... to make it sounds bad, older .... haha~ No more 1x for bday, but 2x .... @@ And yeap, all this time, "pasb ^v". Huh ? Don't get it ? Don't worry, it is meant to be that way, haha. Ask me if you wanna know. *** 刚刚在走回家的过程, 路过条沟渠. 听到小猫的叫声, 望下去... 原来是只可怜的小猫困在里头. 于是把身子弯下去, 把小猫救了出来. 之后转身就要走...


刚发了个恶梦.... 又是与爸爸吵架的恶梦.... 醒来时, 发现枕头湿了几滴... 落了几滴泪.... 听说梦境可以是你发泄的地方... 或许吧... 我都不常与我爸顶嘴.. 因为到最后我是肯定输的... 说实在, 我的童年与我爸都没什么好回忆.... 直到中五他都还是在骂我.... 或许我喜欢的东西他都不喜欢吧... 不会忘记当我断脚那一天, 他既然不安慰我, 反而不断的骂我笨... 跳什么舞...自做孽... 当然我升上大学, 他也不一样了. 现在的他, 或许Alpha时考得不差吧... 也可能是换工后没那么压力了... 就没像以前那样了... 但或许我内心里还是在挣扎吧... 所以经常发这样的恶梦... 醒的时候, 发现自己把两个抱枕抱得紧紧的... 我想在人虚弱时, 都会想要有个依靠, 有个安慰吧... 也自然而然脑海里出现了一个人的画面... 可笑的是, 我再如何, 这人也不会来安慰我还是怎样的... 我又想太多了... 我不会想把虚弱的一面展现出来.. 然而我却愿意与我信任和我在乎的人分担... 只是现在, 没人想与我分担... 哈哈... 曾经有, 不过现在没有... 过了片刻, 稍微清醒了... 把头望去桌上... 有瓶水, 妈放的...说我喝太少水了... 也察觉到我又多虑了... 只是个梦... =) ***

Back .... ; Merry Xmas ! ; cacat collection

驾了四个钟的车, 终于到了关丹... GAMBANG tol 都会塞车.... highway 驾二号牙... 是这一次的经验...下次可以避免,就避免大日子时到处走,  哈哈! 双脚不停踩 brake 踩 clutch.... 累到.... 可怜的还有, 用了一小时filter 的 pendrive.... 装满要听的歌... 结果走到一半, 想听时...发现并不在车上.... 原本有 hitz and fly 陪伴的...但一到 highway 深山处.... 什么都听不到... 只听到....  ' ooooo~ saya rindu~ .... rawwwrrr~ ini dia !!! " ... 类似这样的歌曲.... >.< *** Is Christmas, wish everyone a merry merry Christmas ! I did what i wanna do for this Christmas... yea... is good enough. Although it never really went out the way i wished, but nvm =) Somehow... bgsp.... just wanna hear from u... haha.... *** Submitted my MI, abstract art... motive design is what the lecturer call them. Again is a 1 and a half day work, rush rush rush~ Sleepless nights... assignment, exam, self's assignment ... tired .... All 3 are plain illustrator, with 0% photoshop. Astronomical > Zoo > Sport. Lik...


喜欢这歌的歌名... 床边故事... 就是这样而已... =) 小时候睡觉前 最爱听床边故事 幻想进入那神秘的国度 不要走 别管大 请再讲一个故事 让它陪我进入梦乡中 或许我还是个海盗 要去寻找那宝藏 或许我是个快乐的美人鱼 每一晚 每一夜 我幻想都成真 这就是床边故事的魔力 每一晚 每一夜 可以环游全世界 这就是床边故事的魔力 *** 只是一个短短的故事... 但会有机会把它说完吗 ? 不是什么精彩的故事... 但,是我尽心设想捏造的... 或许非常的枯燥乏味... 但却是独一无二的... ***

心墙 ; 我就是啊

刚巧又是郭静, 哈哈. 非常正面... 不过恐怕我未必做不到... 不过还是觉得有意思, 哈哈.... 一个人仰望碧海和蓝天 在心里面那么怀旧的音弦 海豚从眼前飞跃 我看见了最阳光的笑脸 好时光都该被包庇 因为有限 我学着不去担心得太远 不计划太多反而能勇敢冒险 丰富地过每一天 快乐的看每一天 第一次遇见阴天 瞅住你侧脸 有什么故事好想了解 我感觉我懂你的特别 你的心有一道墙 但我发现一扇窗 偶尔发出一丝暖暖的微光 就算你有一道墙 我的爱会攀上窗台盛放 打开窗你会看到 悲伤熔化 你会闻到幸福晴朗的芬芳 *** 做回原来的自己就好, 平时我会怎样, 我就怎样... 反射体就反射体啊.... 我就是啊... 活在镜子里就活在镜子里啊... 我就是啊... 我没什么渴望, 只希望我能做个快乐的反射体... 而如果可以, 也希望除了反射体... 有天我能够发出自己的光芒... 虽然没什么可能... 但加油吧 ! 嘻嘻.... ( *笑两下*.... 醒咯醒咯... 又乱来了... 哈! =.= ) 好想念小运... 他们在那儿...恐怕已被冷落了... 但不管怎样, 我还是会好好护着在我肩膀上的那两个...*苦笑两下* ***

我应该 ok 的

15th of December, 11pm I shall follow my heart... I shall not ask for repay no matter how hard i strive to be... I know with these, my heart will be contented enough ... But actually it is not that easy... There are times when i am just fine with everything... But there are also times when emotion took over me... I am wordless... just hope i can make through it... And yea, bogoshipo .... is truth afterall... now that you have let it go, i just have to pray hard that you can move on ... and leave all the depression behind.... it doesn't have to be me, if i am not the one.. But i want to say nothing really change, i am still the 1 standing behind no matter u had let it go or not... *** 其实我应该 ok 的.... 这样的情况, 早就是预算的情况之一.... 况且... 那是之前的事情... . 当然说得再怎么好听, 说没影响是不可能的.... 就得看我自己如何去看待和面对了... 我没说过我一定要这样, 一定要那样.... 我只是不想欺骗自己, 不要又多了一件我会后悔的事情... 硬硬压抑自己的感情.... 那实在不是我... 我也办不到.... 认识我的人就知道... 我就是这副样子.... 也当然的, 我有我自己的希望,...

微微笑着 ; Mirror 2

简单就好. 最近, 一切简简单单... 不过很开心. 微笑都一直保持着. 没什么非常特别的... 然而一些简单的事情也足于让我笑起来了. 我喜欢我现在自己的笑容... 因为它好真实. 虽然此刻, 有点病了... 但我依然微微笑着. 所以我会守护这微笑的原因, 只希望它能够继续留在我身旁 =) *** December 11th , 2AM Although i never ever take things for granted... but sometimes things just doesnt goes the right way... To recall on what i written last time, titled 'mirror'... Seems like im still doing the reflection ... just like now... Everything is so affecting on me... And i don't really have what it takes to alter it... All my friends are giving me positive feedback recently... Well, things maybe have gone better in some sense.... But in the end, im the only one who truly knows what's going on ... And despite all of the courage, support, and faith you guys given on me... Me myself... doesn't possesed such amount of faith on this matter... I wish, i hope, and i actually have faith.... but maybe what i lack is confidence on myself... Is not easy for me to build up my confi...

吓 !!!

刚从 malaysian study 回来... 原本是想去拿 attendance就好... 但当名单传到我手上时.... 发现已经有人帮我签了... 我的朋友都没帮我签... 这人又是谁呢 ? 问题当然不出现在这.... 人家帮我, 我也没话说.... 只不过... 他/她 在帮我签名的时候... 既然在上面加了个小小的 心型....吓 !!! 不懂哪个酱大 ' 整股' .... =.= *** 虽然没再写那么多了... 但是... 我只想说... 不代表我不在乎了... 毕竟写得好点, 也不代表事情就会好点... 对吗 ? 미쌜... Or someone please tell me what should i do ? Any suggestions will do, but not making fun of it... *** A paper bag i design for my class assignment. Ntg special and ntg so nice about it, just sharing. Next time can ask me if you want a unique paper-bag, haha ! =.=" But this box of paper cost me RM40, so prepare RM50 ya, xD ***


十二月了.... 不知不觉已经是第五个月了.... 第五个月我开始在部落格里写着同一件事情... 时间确实能够流逝... 说长不长, 说短不短.... *** 不经一番寒彻骨, 焉得梅花扑鼻香 .... haha .... ***