我应该 ok 的

15th of December, 11pm

I shall follow my heart...
I shall not ask for repay no matter how hard i strive to be...
I know with these, my heart will be contented enough ...
But actually it is not that easy...
There are times when i am just fine with everything...
But there are also times when emotion took over me...
I am wordless... just hope i can make through it...
And yea, bogoshipo .... is truth afterall... now that you have let it go, i just have to pray hard that you can move on ... and leave all the depression behind.... it doesn't have to be me, if i am not the one..
But i want to say nothing really change, i am still the 1 standing behind no matter u had let it go or not...


其实我应该 ok 的.... 这样的情况, 早就是预算的情况之一....
况且... 那是之前的事情... .
当然说得再怎么好听, 说没影响是不可能的.... 就得看我自己如何去看待和面对了...

我没说过我一定要这样, 一定要那样....
我只是不想欺骗自己, 不要又多了一件我会后悔的事情...
硬硬压抑自己的感情.... 那实在不是我... 我也办不到....
认识我的人就知道... 我就是这副样子....

也当然的, 我有我自己的希望, 自己的梦想....
没说过一定要... 但谁不想美梦成真啊 ?
至少我要告诉自己 '没关系啊, 你尝试过啊...'
而不是 ' 我什么也没做过啊....'
两者比较, 我就比较喜欢第一者...
不过前提是... 过程不能让人觉得厌倦....

我不是什么成年人, 不过我也不是小家伙...
做的决定不一定是最好的.... 但只望没伤害到对方, 没对不起自己...

yy, 我知道迟早你会看到这的...
谢了... 真心的...



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