Who are u ?



I just wanna ask, who are you ?
The 1 who always visit my blog through this URL : http://rhythm-yun.blogspot.com/2009/11/will-be-continued.html
The 1 using Windows XP and Google Chrome. I believe you are the same person from before till now.
Why that link, but not http://rhythm-yun.blogspot.com ?
And it doesn't seems like you are linking from another source, since it all arrived directly.
Just kinda curious, why that post ?
Of course, you can choose to ignore this, since it is a public blog =)
I am just curious.


Off to KL to meet my 未来姐夫's family.
Happy New Year every1, is 2010 .... 20 years old jor.
To make it sounds nice, grown up.... to make it sounds bad, older .... haha~
No more 1x for bday, but 2x .... @@
And yeap, all this time, "pasb ^v".
Huh ? Don't get it ? Don't worry, it is meant to be that way, haha.
Ask me if you wanna know.


刚刚在走回家的过程, 路过条沟渠.
听到小猫的叫声, 望下去... 原来是只可怜的小猫困在里头.
于是把身子弯下去, 把小猫救了出来.
之后转身就要走, 小猫也一直尾随我... 一只喵喵叫...
真的可怜它... 但我不可能带它回家.
也趁它躲闪车子时, 快快的走出它视野.
我是救了它, 还是害了它 ? 毕竟它老娘都不知在哪...

而拿自己来比较, 其实我们已经很好了... =)



yLeng said…
yiyun 宜运 said…
你在问哪个什么先? pasb ^v? haha

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