random crap

Currently at KT, staying at my friend's house for 1 night...
They are all sleeping now... and im not... and it is 5AM now...
They said mau whole night stay awake.. but biar lah... all snoring now...

Actually i really do miss KT.
Is where i grow up, where i learn, and where i experience everything.
Is really a sad case that i moved to Kuantan... but nvm, im fine with it.

Met quite a bunch of friends... not all...
There are so much that i wanna meet, and obviously i cant meet all of them.
But again, is ok. At least i met some of them. Im very glad to be able to met them as well.

Well well... i have ntg else to do... so i will just write something to pass the night.
Is only few more hours left to morning after-all.

What am i feeling right now ?
Empty i would say......... with a lil bit of'sigh' mood.
Why ? because im all alone now.... and no ones for me to talk to... so my mind started to wander itself. And my mind are at expert class when it comes to 'tracking' down some matter....
It is so good at it that it can go on restless... just like now.... thinking the same thing over and over again...
At the same time, it is very pitiful ... as it is trying to sort out something that nothing it can do about it... missing some1 that it could hardly reach over it...
Dumb i will say.... but well... that's how my mind works....

CNY is nice for me.
I enjoy the feeling of everyone gathered together, eat, chit chat and have fun.
I enjoy looking at the kids playing 'chase chase'.
I enjoy playing with cute little kids as they are so so so cute.
There are so many thing i love about CNY.

Imperfection ? Of course there are some... for examples...
my dad keep complain about my hair... no forehead =  no ohm ....
my dad complain almost everything about me....from in to out, up to down.... he makes me feel like im worthless... again....
assignment is pulling me back from enjoying all-out...
and my mind are always wandering... morning to noon, noon to evening, evening to night, night to morning....

And im very gek-ki now... mosquito brother... stop kacao me la bang, i punya darah takdak sedap... gi minum hok dua tu belakong.... =D

This post is so pasar.......... i takdak mood mau tulis cantik cantik...
But when it comes to expressing certain stuff... i always want it to sounds nice....  hence...
괜찮아요 ? 보고 싶어...

I am just another jerk... no 1 says that... i said it...
And maybe you should be a little bit more decisive... it makes thing clearer...



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