心比心 ; Gamefest 2010

转载于网上... 我想我非常认同...

會喜 歡你。
女生的感情很豐富,喜歡你的我,會毫不保留的付出,天真的認 為有天你就會懂。
女生的心很容易受傷,所以我不輕易說出口,假如期望落空了, 傷心難過很不好受。
如果你也猶豫不決,或許我們就這樣錯過,再來後悔為何當初不 說。

这些... 我真的不敢确定...

男生的心很脆弱,常常因為妳的小動作而心碎,如果妳一直若即 若離,我怎麼敢喜歡妳
男生的心思很細密,喜歡妳的我,會不計一切的付出,單純的以 為妳會懂得珍惜
男生的愛很不容易說出口,因為一旦說出口,或許再也沒有或許 了,
或許,一打開雙唇盡吐心語後,就會後悔當初為何不乖乖沉靜在 那片刻的幸福中...

但这些... 却句句刺心... 因为事实就是这样子...


Game fest is over.
What i've done over there ? Ermm... logistic... well, move this and that, patrol here and there.
So basically i am worn out now.... with a few of little scars over my leg and hand, nothing much, but it affects my daily routine...
Nothing interesting about what i've done there.

But, there are interesting stuff that i've saw.
Well... Dota matches, haha ....
I know it sounds lame, but it is really my first time watching real professional player playing a dota match.
And of course, the process is very interesting.
Witnessed and learned a lot of new stuff. There is a proverb saying 听君一席话, 胜读百年书... i would say 看 pro 一场 game, 胜玩百场 match !

And these pro team include teams like, Nirvana.MY and etc.
Before this, i really don't know anything behind these pro team.
But now i kinda know what are them capable of.
Nirvana.MY is now 1 of the top and famous team in Malaysia, and i had just witnessed them playing live in action, and they are just too much OWNING !
However, they are beaten at the final by MUFC. Which is also a very good team, but i heard nothing much about them before this.
What so good about MUFC is their leader, Winter.
For the whole game, i was sitting behind and watching them.
Usually, when your teammate did a mistake, one would get annoyed or angry. But for Winter, he will always try to calm his teammate down and encourage them. Which is a very good value for a team leader.

I guess i have nothing else to say about this gamefest.... so that's all for this part.



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