sakit o~ ; 差之毫里, 谬之千里

Bought myself a new pair.
Nike Paul Rodriguez 2 premium.
Ermm... nothing much.. just posting up here.
Sakit sakit ~


Went for the blood donation event.
At first i don't even know what is my blood type, but after checking i get know that i am the type 'O'.
Type O, the contributor.
Well, kinda resembles me too. Always ready to give, but not much to be received in return.
( ishk ishk ~ =.= )

After knowing my blood type, was kinda glad because O blood is the best to be donated.
But the feeling gone off pretty fast, because i was told that i can't donate because i just pierced my ear recently.

This lead me to some thought.
I start thinking that, even 1 simple and tiny stuff can make big changes.
Just like 1 little hole over my ear can easily disable me from donating my blood.
This is exactly similar to how the world works.
1 simple mistake can result in major failure.
And all this simple mistakes are always so tiny, lots of people don't even realized it.

Hereby quoting a chinese proverb : 差之毫里, 谬之千里. 

也望自己能够在些事情上拿捏得刚刚好.... 把时机拿捏得巧妙.. 希望吧...
因为不希望自己的结果就是 '谬之千里'.



yLeng said…
i pun tak boleh donate~-.-''
yiyun 宜运 said…
yea lo, u migraine de =(
yLeng said…
en bian lo~
yiyun 宜运 said…
is ok la... in the end a lot others donate also. 捐不到就捐不到.
yLeng said…
en la en la=)

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