Basically im just trying to write something.

特别是MV 里另外说的最后那几句话...


我想说... 大家... 谢谢了... 我真的很感激 !
第一个要特别谢的是 Bernard 了, 不是你... 我想很多技巧和概念上的难题没那么快解决.
另外感激 Bernard, CC 和 Seng.... 陪我跑到 KL 去, 就是为了陪我买东西. 浪费了你们时间和精力... 
谢谢大佬借我那么好的一把刀子, 和帮我把歪曲了的 puncher 扭回原形... 不像 Bernard 酱, 连 mounting board 都 punch 不过 .... =x  Dailou 就是 Dailou !
还要霸占了 SK 来 C1-3-7 时专用的桌子.... 也好啦, 少打几场 DOTA, 不是读多几个 chapter 咯~
此外, 还要谢谢你们 ( 包括 SK ) 给我的支持的. 一个星期不睡都会有人陪, 真不错, 哈哈~
找日请你们一餐啊~ 只是不懂要请你们吃饭还是吃粥 .... 哈哈...

明天还要收拾家具, 要搬家.... 又搬了....
哇.... 很懒惰一下....

也很懒惰要清理桌子.... 和满地的 碎片.... @@


Beta year ? Terminated.
Few weeks to rest, and here i go, 3rd year student.
Well... time flies. We can't deny that.
Most of the time we probably feel that the time are always moving slowly, tick by tick.
But every time we look back to the past, we feel that the time flies.
I still remember the 1st day in Cyberjaya, the Orientation week and so on.
But now, i am proceeding to the 3rd year. One step closer to the harsh world outside... yeah, rather harsh, University's life is way better ~ i knew that.
Stress from academic and assignments are basically nothing when we are comparing to stress like.... earning income, taking care of those beside you... etc etc ... basically it means we have to take full responsibility on our-self and perhaps the one by your side too.

For some of my friends, they don't understand how i am not attached to my family.
Is not that i am not attached, is just that i knew that someday.. me myself are going to get things done myself... and i better start learning them now.
I miss home, but i won't go back every week or not even every month. Some friends of mine even complain that i am a bad kid for doing so.Well, i just gonna say we are from different family background, and even my parents want me to be on myself out here.
Besides, going back once in a while makes the feeling warmer every time =)
Those who stays in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan will know this feeling even better, and my housemates are 2 of them.

Ermm.... Enough of this =x


再如何感激, 再如何感动, 也不能代表什么...



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