
终于渡过了星期三的 crit... 感觉实在好很多.
也比想象中的好, 够了.

我想一个人活在世上, 不开心的事情一定很多.
人生不如意十之八九, 其实也有道理.
有些人可以在这样的情况下开开心心, 有些人却办不到.
我想最大的分别并不在于每个人所遭遇的事情, 而是每个人选择面对的心态.
没什么, 说些废话而已.
Diam diam 就好, 沉默就好.


Been using my new gear for a week now.
Getting used to the typing feedback and flow, it sure feel just right.
Been able to use the macro as well, though kinda sluggish sometimes.
However, the keyboard hand rest is really a problem as reviewed by most people.
The 1st time I am using it, it annoys.
After 1 week, although getting more used to it. It still feel annoyed sometimes.
However instead blaming in on the hand rest, i guess the problem comes from my small keyboard platform as well.
Other than this, I am kinda satisfied with this one, Sidewinder X4.

And this is real sweet when the light is switched off.



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