actually not 100th post (edited later )

This is the 100th post of this blog.

So let it be some positive thinking post.
Well, even it is not the 100th post.
I would be writting positive stuff this time.

Sometimes, when your vision are not that high anymore, when what you wish is something simpler.
You just get to be happier easier.
When what i wish is just to see her laugh and smile.
Now i could say, it is more than enough =)
As long as she stay lively, i find no reason to make myself =( .... =)

Dream big, but don't be carried away.
Hehe, i guess this would be just fine for me.


Went out with friends to KLCC Aquaria n Petroscience today.
Was fun but tiring as well.
At Aquaria, we chased for the sharks, point at all the rare fishy and had a good laugh.
At Petroscience, we were like little kids having fun. Especially at the last 2 part, where we compete our speed, strength and mind power. The 'mind power thingy' was fun =)
In the end, we all end up exhausted at the end of the day.
Actually i dun even know how should i write to make it sounds lively, since i rarely write my dailies life here. Haha.



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